Natascha Turetzek 

Research Associate (Akademischer Rat) in the Department of Evolutionary Ecology. We are interested in the Development and Evolution (EVO-DEVO) of Arthropod sense organs.

Foto: Carolin Bleese

Duğçar Ebrar Erdoğan (PhD student co-supervision with Nico Posnien, Göttingen)

Gene and genome duplication and phenotypic novelties – Insights from spiders and insects

Joint project with Niko Prpic-Schäper (Gießen), Matthias Pechmann (Cologne) and Mathilde Cordellier of the DFG Priority Program Gevol

André Amaral (PhD student co-supervision with Joachim Haug and Viktor Baranov)

Evolution of mandibles in Chironomidae

Dorothea Grillmayer (Student Assistant)

The role of dpp and wg in Drosophila ovipositor diversification

Isabella Schindelhauer

Comparative analysis of sense organ development in female Drosophila genitalia

Lab Alumni


Jonas Roth (Bachelor Thesis)
Evolution of Pax gene function

Marie Pfefferer (Bachelor Thesis)
Heatwave effects on spider embryonic development


Venkata Sai Poojitha Koka (Master Thesis & Student Assistant)
Spider sense organ development & Heat wave effects on arthropods (in collaboration with Cristina Tuni (Turin))

Kaja Grote (Bachelor Thesis)
Life cycle of Chironomous riparius

Hao "Steve" Yang Lay (Bachelor Thesis)
Comparative analysis of sense organ development in female Drosophila genitalia

Chun Yin "Jerry" Leung (Master Thesis)
Generating transgenic tools to study female Drosophila genital sensilla

Ingrid Papst (Bachelor Thesis) Sense organ development on the female Drosophila Ovipositor

Pallavi Sekhar (Master Thesis) Candidate gene expression profiling for female Drosophila genital sensilla


Pinaki Chakraborty (Master Thesis) Functional analysis for candidate genes involved in female genitalia sensilla development

Atharv Arora (Master Thesis) Generating transgenic tools to study female Drosophila genital sensilla

Sebastian Kreßmann (Bachelor Thesis)

Arian Seyed Sadri (Master Thesis)Sense organ diversification in arthropods: The role of prepatterning 

Poojitha Sai Koka Ventaka (Reserach Course) Genetic basis of sense organ precursor formation in the common house spider P. tepidariorum

Sabeel un Naeem (Research course) Fate map of female Drosophila genital sensilla


Magdalena Ines Schacht (Guest PhD)

Bharadwaj Marella (Master Thesis)Transcriptomic profiling of external genital sensilla during larval and pupal development in different Drosophila species.

Apostolos Angelakakis (Bachelor student & Research assistant shared with Cristina Tuni) Studies the mating behaviour in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Lina Suprata Scholz (Bachelor student) Screening transgenic tools to study female Drosophila genital sensilla

Alexander Nikola (Bachelor student) Functional studies of proneural genes in the common house spider P. tepidariorum

Dina Iusupova (Individual Research training)

Vishnu Vellore (Research course)

Alina Schreiner (Research assistant)


Fabian Platten (Research course)
Sakshi Singh (Research assistant)
Matthias Janeschik (Research Project)

Ruixun Wang (Master)“Evolution and Development of Arthropod Sense Organ Systems”
Natalia Reshetnikova (Research course)
Alexander Günther Nikola (Research course)